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Q51. - (Topic 5)
Which of the following commands can be used to display the local routing table? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
A. ifconfig
B. dig
C. netstat
D. route
E. trackroute
Answer: C,D
Q52. - (Topic 4)
What entry can be added to the syslog.conf file to have all syslog messages generated by a system displayed on console 12?
A. *.* /dev/tty12
B. /var/log/messages | /dev/tty12
C. | /dev/tty12
D. syslog tty12
E. mail.* /dev/tty12
Answer: A
Q53. - (Topic 3)
What is the purpose of the iconv command?
A. It converts bitmap images from one format to another such as PNG to JPEG.
B. It verifies that the root directory tree complies to all conventions from the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS).
C. It displays additional meta information from icon files ending in .ico.
D. It changes the mode of an inode in the ext4 file system.
E. It converts files from one character encoding to another.
Answer: E
Q54. - (Topic 5)
On a regular users workstation the route command takes a long time before printing out the routing table. Which of the following errors does that indicate?
A. The local routing information may be corrupted and must be re-validated using a routing protocol.
B. One of the routers in the routing table is not available which causes the automatic router failure detection mechanism (ARF-D) to wait for a timeout.
C. There may accidentally be more than one default router in which case a default router election has to be done on the network in order to choose one router as the default.
D. DNS resolution may not be working as route by default tries to resolve names of routers and destinations and may run into a timeout.
Answer: D
Q55. - (Topic 6)
Which of the following commands can be used to limit the amount of memory a user may use?
A. umask
B. usermod
C. ulimit
D. passwd
E. chage
Answer: C
Q56. - (Topic 4)
Which of the following commands is used to rotate, compress, and mail system logs?
A. rotatelog
B. striplog
C. syslogd --rotate
D. logrotate
E. logger
Answer: D
Q57. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 1)
By default, the contents of which directory will be copied to a new user's home directory when the account is created by passing the -m option to the useradd command? (Specify the full path to the directory.)
Answer: /etc/skel
Q58. - (Topic 4)
Which of the following is observed and corrected by a NTP client?
A. The skew in time between the system clock and the hardware clock.
B. The skew in time between the system clock and the reference clock.
C. Changes in the time zone of the current computer's location.
D. Adjustments needed to support Daylight Saving Time.
Answer: B
Q59. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 1)
What word is missing from the following SQL statement?
insert into tablename ________(909, 'text');
(Please specify the missing word using lower-case letters only.)
Answer: VALUES, values
Q60. - (Topic 4)
Which file inside the CUPS configuration directory contains the definition of the printers?
A. cups-devices.conf
B. snmp.conf
C. printcap.conf
D. printers.conf
E. cupsd.conf
Answer: D