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Make on /archive directory that only the user owner and group owner member can fully access.
Answer and Explanation:
1. chmod 770 /archive
2. Verify using : ls -ld /archive
Preview should be like:
drwxrwx--- 2 root sysuser 4096 Mar 16 18:08 /archive
To change the permission on directory we use the chmod command. According to the question that only the owner user (root) and group member (sysuser) can fully access the directory so:
chmod 770 /archive
One Package named zsh is dump on under /pub/updates directory and your FTP server is Install the package zsh.
Answer and Explanation:
1. rpm -ivh ftp://server1/*
1. Login to ftp server : ftp using anonymous user.
2. Change the directory: cd pub and cd updates
3. Download the package: mget zsh-*
4. Quit from the ftp prompt : bye
5. Install the package
6. rpm -ivh zsh-*
7. Verify either package is installed or not : rpm -q zsh
You are working as a System Administrator at Certkiller. Your Linux Server crashed and you lost every data. But you had taken the full backup of user's home directory and other System Files on /dev/st0, how will you restore from that device?
Answer and Explanation:
1. Go to on that directory where you want to restore.
2. restore -rf /dev/st0
To restore from backup we use the restore command. Here backup will restore from /dev/st0 on current Directory.
Add a cron schedule to take full backup of /home on every day at 5:30 pm to /dev/st0 device.
Answer and Explanation:
1. vi /var/schedule
30 17 * * * /sbin/dump -0u /dev/st0 /dev/hda7
2. crontab /var/schedule
3. service crond restart
We can add the cron schedule either by specifying the scripts path on /etc/crontab file or by creating on text file on crontab pattern.
cron helps to schedule on recurring events. Pattern of cron is:
Minute Hour Day of Month Month Day of Week Commands
0-59 0-23 1-31 1-12 0-7 where 0 and 7 means Sunday.
Note * means every. To execute the command on every two minutes */2.
Install the Redhat Linux RHEL 5 through NFS. Where your Server is having IP and shared /var/ftp/pub. The size of the partitions are listed below:
/ à 1048
/home à 1028
/boot à 512
/var à 1028
/usr à 2048
Swap -> 1.5 of RAM Size
/archive à configure the RAID Level 0 of remaining all free space.
After completing the installation through NFS solve the following questions. There are two networks and As well as there are two domains on network and on network. Your system is based on domain. SELinux must be in enforcing mode.
Answer and Explanation:
1. Insert the CD on CD-ROM and start the system.
2. In Boot: Prompt type linux askmethod
3. It will display the language, keyboard selection.
4. It will ask you for the installation method.
5. Select the NFS Image from the list
6. It will ask the IP Address, Net mask, Gateway and Name Server. Select Use
Dynamic IP Configuration: because DHCP Server will be configured in your exam lab.
7. It will ask for the NFS Server Name and Redhat Enterprise Linux Directory.
Specify the NFS Server:
Directory: /var/ftp/pub
8. After Connecting to the NFS Server Installation start in GUI. Go up to the partition screen by selecting the different Options.
9. Create the partition According to the Question because Size and what-what partition should you create at installation time is specified in your question
10. Create the two RAID partitions having equal size of remaining all free space.
11. Click on RAID button
12. Type mount point /archive
13. Select RAID Level 0
14. Click on ok
15. Then select the MBR Options, time zone and go upto package selections.
It is another Most Important Time of installation. Due to the time limit, you should care about the installation packages. At Exam time you these packages are enough.
X-Window System
GNOME Desktop
(these two packages are generally not required)
Administration Tools.
System Tools
Windows File Server
FTP Servers
Mail Servers
Web Servers
Network Servers
Text Based Internet
Server Configuration Tools
Printing Supports
When installation will complete, your system will reboot. Jump for another Question.
Make Secondary belongs the jackie and curtin users on sysuser group. But david user should not belongs to sysuser group.
Answer and Explanation:
1. usermod -G sysuser jackie
2. usermod -G sysuser curtin
3. Verify by reading /etc/group file
Using usermod command we can make user belongs to different group. There are two types of group one primary and another is secondary. Primary group can be only one but user can belongs to more than one group as secondary.
usermod -g groupname username à To change the primary group of the user
usermod -G groupname username à To make user belongs to secondary group.
The System you are using is for NFS (Network File Services). Some important data are shared from your system. Make automatically start the nfs and portmap services at boot time.
Answer and Explanation:
We can control the services for current session and for next reboot time. For current Session, we use service servicename start or restart or stop or status. For automatically at next reboot time:
3. chkconfig servicename on or off
eg: chkconfig nfs on
chkconfig portmap on
Select the nfs and portmap services.
4. Reboot the system and identify whether services are running or not.
We are working on /data initially the size is 2GB. The /dev/test0/lvtestvolume is mount on /data.
Now you required more space on /data but you already added all disks belong to physical volume.
You saw that you have unallocated space around 5 GB on your harddisk. Increase the size of lvtestvolume by 5GB.
Answer and Explanation:.
1. Create a partition having size 5 GB and change the syste id '8e'.
2. use partprobe command
3. pvcreate /dev/hda9 à Suppose your partition number is hda9.
4. vgextend test0 /dev/hda9 à vgextend command add the physical disk on volume group.
5. lvextend -L+5120M /dev/test0/lvtestvolume
6. verify using lvdisplay /dev/test0/lvtestvolume.
Now a days you are observing that your system being very slow. You observe the processes that one user named user1 running more than 50 processes. Configure to limit the number of processes that user1 couldn't run more than 7 process.
Answer and Explanation:
1. vi /etc/security/limits.conf
user1 hard nproc 7
2. vi /etc/pam.d/system-auth
session required /lib/security/
To limit the number of process or number of logins, we should configure on /etc/security/limits.conf. First Columns contains the username separated by comma or @group name. Second column either hard or soft limits. Third columns called the item, maxloigns or nproc etc.
To identify the session of users we should call the pam_limits module in /etc/pam.d/system-auth.
You are giving the debug RHCT exam. The examiner told you that the password of root is redhat.
When you tried to login displays the error message and redisplayed the login screen. You changed the root password, again unable to login as a root. How will you make Successfully Login as a root.
Answer and Explanation:
When root unable to login into the system think:
4. Is password correct?
5. Is account expired?
6. Is terminal Blocked?
Do these Steps:
3. Boot the System on Single user mode.
4. Change the password
5. Check the account expire date by using chage -l root command.
If account is expired, set net expire date: chage -E "NEVER" root
7. Check the file /etc/securetty àWhich file blocked to root login from certain terminal.
8. If terminal is deleted or commented write new or uncomment.
9. Reboot the system and login as a root.